We’re Building a Legacy
of Community Service
CD Wealth Management is invested in making the world a better place — for our clients, our teammates and our neighbors. We are passionate about supporting one another through our gifts and our service because we believe our collective future is worth the investment.

The CD Wealth Management team will proudly return to sponsor and serve as volunteers at the 2023 IMA, Inc., and NDBT Maxine and Erwin Waldman Memorial Golf Tournament — named in honor of the maternal grandparents of CD Wealth Management Founder and CEO Scott Cohen. For 17 years, Cohen has served as a co-chair for the event, which benefits the Joanie I. Weinstein Camp Scholarship Fund, the Elaine Quint Schrager Preschool Scholarship Fund and Jewish Community Center programs and sustainability.
At our annual holiday gathering, each CD Wealth Management team member shares a charity that is meaningful to them, and the company makes a donation in the employee’s honor to that group. It’s a cherished tradition that keeps us focused on our goal to give back to the community. In 2022, our charity recipients include Minnie’s Food Pantry, The Chi Psi Educational Trust, The Turning Point, North Texas Food Bank, Boy Scouts of America Troop 80, Unbound Now North Texas, Vine of Life Church and the March of Dimes March for Babies.
CD Wealth Management was proud to support the 9th Annual DKMS Awards Breakfast in Dallas. The event celebrates and honors individuals who have gone above and beyond in their tireless efforts to raise awareness, register stem cell donors, and help save lives. Since 2011, more than 150,000 Texans have registered as potential lifesavers, and more than 400 have given patients a second chance at life.
CD Wealth Management is proud to sponsor and staff the IMA, Inc. and North Dallas Bank & Trust Co. Maxine and Erwin Waldman Memorial Golf Tournament. The annual tournament — named in honor of the maternal grandparents of Scott Cohen, the principal, founder and CEO of CD Wealth Management — benefits scholarship funds through the Aaron Family Jewish Community Center of Dallas. In addition to financial sponsorship from the company itself, all of CD Wealth Management’s employees serve as volunteers at the event.
CD Wealth Management Founder and Principal Scott Cohen and his family were proud to sponsor a June 2022 appearance by Carly Patterson at the Aaron Family Jewish Community Center of Dallas. The Olympic gold medalist shared her charming, inspiring story and a message of resilience that traced her career from gymnastics to life as a recording artist, entrepreneur and mother.
Every year, we ask each of our teammates to select a charity that is important and meaningful to them. At our holiday party, each CD Wealth Management employee shares why they are passionate about their selected charity. This annual tradition helps us continue to feel connected to our CD Wealth Management values and unites our team as we help our community by sharing our passion and commitment with each other.
Some of the charities we have supported in the past include: